Journal subject areas

The journal subject areas are defined by the following index terms. These terms represent the keywords to be chosen for assignment of submitted manuscripts to individual topic editors:

  • Aerosol Technology (AT);
  • Atmospheric Aerosols (AA);
  • Aerosol Measurements & Instrumentation (AMI);
  • Aerosols and Health (AH);
  • Fundamental Aerosol Research (FAR).

Editorial: Aerosol Research – a new diamond open-access journal covering the breadth of aerosol science and technology
Jonas Elm, Aladár Czitrovszky, Andreas Held, Annele Virtanen, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, Benjamin J. Murray, Daniel McCluskey, Daniele Contini, David Broday, Eirini Goudeli, Hilkka Timonen, Joan Rosell-Llompart, Jose L. Castillo, Evangelia Diapouli, Mar Viana, Maria E. Messing, Markku Kulmala, Naděžda Zíková, and Sebastian H. Schmitt
Aerosol Research, 1, 13–16,, 2023